Watch – for darkness comes

(Written in 1999) From the beginning, a day of judgment has been foretold, and a time of tribulation promised.  Man was warned that those who watched and prayed, would see the signs of that time, and the approach of that day.  Because so many of you have not watched, and do not see, I will now tell you what I see.  I tell you these things that you may know that it is the Lord who brings the coming judgment upon the earth.

The signs are all around. Many things could start wreaking worldwide havoc in an instant.  I will start with a story, which came to me as I was reading about how humans in Britain had caught “Hoof & Mouth” and “Mad Cow” diseases.

One version of how the great 1918 Plague began is that on a pig farm in North Carolina, U.S.A., they were burning the carcasses of pigs infected with a disease similar to “hoof & mouth”. One of the most popular theories for how the disease mutated into a People Disease is that contaminates entered humans through the inhalation of burning smoke.

But mutation is the key word here. Almost all flu’s and diseases start in animals. Then prolonged exposure with people allows the non-harmful virus to mutate within one human being. That human being can be the seed carrier for spreading the disease to others – thereby starting our annual flu epidemics, etc…

The 1918 flu killed 10’s of millions of people worldwide. This was because of World War One. It was American transport ships and the flow of materials and men around the world for the war effort that allowed the disease to spread so devastatingly.

Think about something like that happening today. Do you know that only a single infected person in one of the worlds largest airports could effectively have a contagious and deadly disease spread to the four corners of the earth within a matter of days. (Or one day for that matter.) 

I’ve seen a lot of diseases popping up lately.  I’ve also seen that many deadly viruses are becoming totally resistant to medications and antibiotics.  In an instant, Plague will come from many sources, even man-made ones.  But it’s more than just diseases and plagues that I have seen.

The Mideast shall be consumed in war. It will jeopardize oil/energy supplies around the globe in a day – and in a time that energy supplies are already low. Even in the United States, I want you to think about how massive blackouts could easily turn into civil race wars in the largest cities – overnite.  This too I have seen.

We have many countries with nuclear weapons, and it’s very possible that terrorists already have some access. We have major conflicts going at just about every corner of the world – several of which could get out of control fast.  I notice that China seems to be a sleeping dragon – that recently has begun to wake up.  I have seen wars throughout the world on a scale that makes all before seem small – for they will be nation against nation, nations divided against themselves, and neighbor against neighbor.

The weather is changing – and it wouldn’t take but one bad year of drought, or negative circumstances, to shut down food production – causing major famines. (And starving people breeds more violence).  And it’s not just the weather.  They say that many insects (locusts, etc..) are becoming immune to our pesticides.  Pollution and general over-fishing have our oceans rather low on food sources  as well.  Throw in a worldwide plague on our livestock – and we’re not left with much to eat in an overpopulated world.  Even in the most industrialized nations, transportation problems and civil unrest will spawn famine.

There are many stories and movies about meteors hitting us lately too – it’s almost as if our collective conscious knows that something is coming. And just think about One Major Earthquake in California – all the United State’s high tech is there ,and it would cripple the economy. The world economies are really walking a tightrope now, and they are all tied together like dominoes in a circle.

There is the technology factor.  Big business, governments, and many of our individual lives are reliant upon computers – worldwide.  And even little children know how to play hacker.  That’s scary when you consider that a teenager could paralyze a country, or regional power grid.  What could a patient, organized terrorist group do?  What will they do?

I don’t know. Maybe I’m just a psychotic. Maybe I’m just imagining all this stuff. Maybe everyone that says that “Oh – they’ve been predicting the end of the world for thousands of years” – is right.

But I’m pretty good at history. I’ve never ever, ever seen a combination of all these circumstances before. Circumstances of which only one, or a few, would cause the rest to fall like dominoes. And in a region that has been in a war of intolerance and hatred for thousands of years, one of those dominoes is now nuclear for the first time.

The Lord is gathering the perfect storm – and very shortly His wrath shall be unleashed.