The Shepherd’s Dream

There was a great field and I stood at a side next to a gate. The pathway leading from the gate was steep, rocky and rough. Nothing really grew there. The presence of God was with me. Across the field was another gate, and the path that led from it was full of the lushest, greenest grass. The path was flat and wide and smooth. The grass sparkled with cool dew.

Then it was as if I was lifted up as an eagle above the land, and I could see the paths that led from the field, and the destinations. At my gate the path led up the side of a steep hill and over the top of a mountain. Then it curved down into the most beautiful of lands. There were springs and ponds everywhere, and shade and grass and all manner of things good to eat. And it was very peaceful, but the journey between my gate and the new land of peace was difficult, narrow, rocky, steep and barren…. but it wasn’t that long of a journey.

And then I observed the gate and the path, which led out from the other side of the field. As it wound out of sight from the field around the bend of a large hill, it began to slope downwards into a far distant low land. The slope was gentle, and grass still abundant. But the journey was very long, and the farther and farther the path went, the grass became sparser and drier. There was little water, and that too became more scarce the farther one proceeded. Eventually the path opened into a great expanse of desert. It was hot and there was no water. Only dust and death.

I remembered then a journey long ago in which I had traveled that path. God had sent me down that path. It had been an easy journey down the beginning of the path, but I remembered that at the end I was near death, but God had met me, and had strengthened me and turned me back, and had provided me with provision for the return journey. That road back was the hardest thing I have ever endured. Many times I did not think I would make it, but always I founded unexpected provision and strength along the way, left by God.

Again I was in the field by my gate. I gazed upon the sheep and observed the state of the field. It was almost completely barren, all of the good grass gone, the waters fouled and muddied, and the sheep beginning to grow restless and unruly as they competed for the little that there was. It was time to move them to new pasture.

Then I noticed a man standing by the other gate… another shepherd such as myself. But he was a dark shepherd. (Do not be confused that this was of skin color, but a darkness, which proceeded from within.)

And he began to call to the sheep, and the sheep noticed the shepherd, and they noticed the gate at which he stood, and they saw the lush, green and dew sprinkled grass, which grew upon his path. I knew the nature of the sheep, and I foresaw that they would follow this man if they were not turned. At that moment I knew that if they chose to follow that path they would die at the end… in the hot dry place. There would be no provision waiting at the end to sustain them for a return, but they would die.

And then God, who was with me, spoke to me and said, These are the sheep of my flocks, and you must lead them to the next field I have prepared for them.

The sheep began to stir at the call of the dark shepherd, and they began to move as a group towards his gate. I frantically began to yell and scream. I called out to the sheep in warning, but none listened save one, who walked toward me. I strode out into the field and began to call to the flock loudly. A few slowed and began to take notice of me. A few recognized me, as I had led this same flock before. These few turned and began to head in my direction. The dark shepherd meanwhile had increased his calls. In his hand he waved a cool bundle of grass, encouraging the sheep onwards.

And then God, who was with me, spoke and said, What are you prepared to do to turn the sheep? And I said, I will turn the sheep.

I strode into the midst of the flock with my rod and began to prod the sheep towards my gate. Some more of the sheep turned and began to amble towards my gate, but the flock as a whole became nervous and began to kick and push against each other in confusion.

Again God, who was with me, said, What are you prepared to do to turn the sheep? And I said, I will fight the dark shepherd and close his gate.

I turned to face the dark shepherd, and lo, he was not one dark shepherd, but a multitude. My heart sank at that moment, and despair filled me for I knew that I could not win the freedom of the entire flock against such odds. I began to cry.

And God, who was with me, gently said, Turn around.

And my eyes beheld the first sheep that had followed my call out from the flock, and it had become a young woman, and she had walked to the edge of the flock and was gently encouraging some to my gate, all the while encouraging me not to despair. And behold, others of the sheep that were called out from the flock stood, and became young men and women. And they too began to encourage others out of the flock. I began to cry even harder because of the love that I could sense growing, and it overwhelmed me.

And then a wrath began to build within me, and I determined that I would fight the shepherds, and that there was yet hope to save all of the flock. Some of the flock had already passed through the dark shepherds gate and were proceeding down the path. Many were already far out of site around the bend. And I determined that I would win my way through the gate and run the path and catch and turn those already passed through. And I would fight and slay every dark shepherd that tried to hinder me.

And then God, who was with me, spoke again and said, No, simply call those out from the flock that will hear.