Faithfulness (Chapter 8)

8 1 Faithfulness is the fruit of obedience.
Faithfulness is the key of David.

2 The ways of God are not known to man,
but God orders the steps of the righteous.
Without understanding of the destination,
the faithful man will heed the guidance of
the Lord, and set his steps in motion.

3 The Lord is gentle and long suffering with
his children. He prepares the hearts of
men to receive his commands. Obedience
unlocks the door at which you stand. Only
then is the next door revealed.

4 Faithful is the man who chooses without
answers. To weary the Lord with questions
is not to accept His Word. Questions
answered require no faith.

5 The faithful sheep will follow the shepherd
and not weary him. The choice to leave the
path is mans. The wearied shepherd will
discipline harshly the one who wanders.

6 It is the choice of the child to wander
again. Little children, hear me; there are
wolves and beasts, which you know not in the
darkness of the forest. If you run to them
they will tear you and devour.

7 The sheep which hears the shepherd’s voice
follows him and heeds his warnings.
Know this, children; the shepherd will not
always strive for one who heeds the call
of the dark forest.

8 If you do not trust the guide, then why do
you follow? To trust is to believe, and to
believe is to follow.
