Witness (Chapter 1)

1 1 This is the witness of David, as
he awaited the Word of GOD.
He is given as a flame of
righteousness unto the candles
of the LORD’s children.

2 “I have walked through the valley
of death and despair.
The journey to the edge of darkness
was an excitement of flesh.

3 Tormented with fear; and to promises
of pleasure I ran willingly.

4 The fear of evil is the doorway
to eternal darkness.

5 My willingness to be deceived was
a faithless denial to my LORD.

6 Desire is a well from which bitter
waters flow, and to sip of
desires creates an evil thirst.

7 I am the lost shepherd of Israel.
Into the night I followed the cries
of the people, hoping to save yet one,
except I lost my own way.

8 The death song lulled me into
enchanted laziness. Your cares
were not my cares and no cares
for goodness in my winter.

9 The king was given the heart of a
beast. It is written that the most
High rules in the kingdom of men,
and gives it to whomsoever he will.

10 The king who has walked in darkness
and returned again has a sure
footstep. The LORD sends those he
loves on many dark paths, that they
may count the steps for the blind.

11 The fear of the LORD is the surest
guide, and those that follow need not
complain, for the experience of the
leaders do comfort the ears and add
courage to the weary.

12 Why does the LORD weary his
beloved, unless the witness there of
serve the leadership of others?

13 The light of heaven can blind a man
though he have no eyes. The LORDs
trumpet can pierce the silence of the
deafened night.

14 My covenant is the covenant of
the shepherd. I know the path of the lion,
and the den of the bear. But the howl of
the wolf does freeze the flock, and
call the beasts.

15 I am come to witness of the path
of light that leads forth from darkness.
I have come to lead and to command
the people lest the fear of darkness
overwhelm them.”

16 The king shall sow seeds into
the actions of men. His people shall
be called the trees of the LORD.

17 The trees of righteousness shall
be known only by their fruit.

18 And the LORD’s servant, even David,
shall be king over them. He will judge
them with the tender mercies that the
LORD has shown him.

19 Yet when the LORD comes, he
comes with his angels, yea, even
his holy ones; and they shall burn
the trunks and branches of the dead.

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