Love (Chapter 6)

6 1 The fruit of love is in the planting
and giving of all the Spirit’s fruits.
Love is the act of giving a part of
GOD unto your brother or sister.

2 To give peace, joy, kindness,
gentleness, goodness, faithfulness,
meekness, long suffering, temperance,
tolerance and boldness; this is love.

3 True love is found in selflessness;
in thinking of others; it is the trust in
GOD that his love for you shall be
perfect in its caring for your needs, if
you will only do the same for another.

4 It is written that GOD is love. I tell
you that if you would find GOD, you
must sow the seeds of love.
To accomplish this thing, you must
first produce the fruit within yourself.

5 To love GOD is to love the fullness
of GOD; He is the wholeness of all
of His creation.

6 To love the LORD with all of your
heart, and all of your mind, and all
of your soul requires that you love all
of His creation with the fullness of
your being. The fullness of love is
found in the whole life of a man.

7 The shame of man is in his pride,
for he chose to love himself more than
the fullness of GOD; our GOD is One
with all things; wherefore are you separate?
